Hi everyone yes I am still alive! I know I have been neglecting my blog of late but its summer and we've been enjoying ourselves. Well at least thats my excuse! I am so excited this weekend because Andrea from Little Green Frog Designs, my online bff is coming to stay with her daughter. It's going to be so much fun!! So without further delay here is what my wonderful designers have been releasing!
Don't miss this amazing grab bag available until August 18th for just $6
This months Funky Playground Collab is a gorgeous boy kit 'Corduroy Boy'
My layout uses Little Green Frog Designs Breakthrough Template Pack
The Funky Playground August Free With Purchase is a pretty girly kit, 'Sisterhood, forever'
My layout uses Little Green Frog Designs Summer Meadow Template Pack
Erica Zane released All ears this week which was just perfect for me as my daughter got her ears pierced just last week at Claire's!
My layout uses Little Green Frog Designs Potpourri Template Pack
I was also recently invited to join the Girl.Boy.Girl Designs creative team. I have always loved Jen's designs and I just couldn't resist! She opened a second store this week at Gotta Pixel and I loved creating with her gotta grab it offerings. this runs from which runs from the 13th-16th August and each item is just $1!
Layout goes here
Armina from Arminia Designs asked if I would create a layout for her this week using her latest release. I'm not on her Ct but I was flattered to be asked and I enjoyed creating this layout using her Gotta Pixel Gotta Grab it offerings 'Delicate Romance'
My layout uses the Sunrise Template Pack from the Nightfall Collab Grab Bag